Its still pretty wet in Paddys Garden..
it’s very windy..
there was a bird on the roof..
some slugs in the garden..
a nice looking pea…
the mutant bok choy plants are growing giant seed pods…
Wha… Paddy’s leg disappeared…?
and the eggplants all died!
so much for that then. That’s eight eggplants seeding ones that didn’t make it.
The best we got was one flower on one of the plants *sigh*
Paddy sniffed a sheet on the clothes line
mmm. tasty..
Paddy spent some time on a chair..
I see you!
and you smell bad..
I can still see you..
This is what happens if you forget to pick your broccolini when it’s ready… broccolini flowers!
Paddy thought some of the tomato plants were coming good again – but now not!. we’re not sure if it’s the wilt back again but the plants are shriveling up from the top down!
most of the remaining tomatoes have been blown off the vine..
and the rest are split from the cold snap we had.
Does anyone know what this plant is, it looks like its supposed to be here?
We took this picture for Paddy when we were away last time.