The Troll

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

So last week Paddy and I posted about the mouse that ate our scarlet runner beans, well this week the plant has packed it in…

Paddy's dead scarlet runner bean plant

Paddy's dead scarlet runner bean plant

All the leaves curled up and died and then fell off the plant…

Paddy's bean protection system

Paddy's bean protection system

Paddy read somewhere that rats and mice will tend to avoid areas with cat or dog smells.

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Anyway we have had some luck with the cucumber plants…

Paddy's cucumber plants

Paddy's cucumber plants

Cucumbers plants are actually from the gourd family, and here’s a good example of the fruit…

Paddy's cucumber

Paddy's cucumber

although some of the previous cucumbers have not set…

Paddy's unfortunate cucumbers

Paddy's unfortunate cucumbers

Poor cucumbers look like they needed a drink…

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

The self-sown rocket plants are now seeding the next generation…

Paddy's rocket flowers

Paddy's rocket flowers

Paddy is excited because this tomato plant has finally decided to grow…

Paddys late tomato seedling

Paddys late tomato seedling

It was planted out of season and was completely dormant for about 3 months.

Paddy's climbing bean flower

Paddy's climbing bean flower

Our indeterminate climbing beans are still producing sporadic flowers.

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy says that its time for some more weeding…

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

or else you’ll get eaten by the troll under the car…

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