The Spring

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Spring is finally here so it’s time to take stock of the garden…

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

The spring onions didn’t make it..

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

The garden beds are ready for new seedlings..

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's Garden

Paddy's persistant mealy bugs

Paddy's persistent mealy bugs

We’re still having problems with mealy bugs, now they’ve shifted to the bok choy seed pods.

Paddy's aphids

Paddy's aphids

Aphids, the mealy bug’s cousins, are visiting us too.

Paddy's Garden sentry

Paddy's Garden sentry

Time to set up sentry and point defense…

Paddy's Garden sentry

Paddy's Garden sentry

Paddy's Garden sentry

Paddy's Garden sentry

You may pass….

Don't look to the left

Don't look to the left

Don't look to the right

Don't look to the right

follow that lazy fly....

just follow that lazy fly....

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One response to “The Spring”

  1. weight says:

    i can has cheeseburger?

current temperature